Sometimes a room just needs a little ‘something’. Already a beautiful sun-room done in soft greens, beige’s and a bit of warm rose, this space was just fine as is. My client wanted a little bit of added personality in the room without making a drastic change. She and her husband had a favorite Shakespearean quotation that they wanted added to the wall over the entry and interior window plus just a touch of ivy decorating the corners of the sun-room.
I pulled out a pretty little ivy stencil I made many years ago with small flowers for splash of contrast among the greenery. I suggested we use it to trail some subtle vines coming down in the corners.

I temporarily took down the artwork in the corners and used the stencil to enhance the placement of the art and the furniture arrangement in the sun-room.

The Shakespeare quotation was hand-painted rather than stenciled, using a soft beige pulled from the fabrics in the sun-room. A bit of ivy stenciled with it pulls the greens and rose shades of the ivy from the corners and the fabric to tie everything together. This is where my interior design background shines through, adding just the right little touches to pull a room together.

Already a great room to relax and read in, nap or just about anything else, this sun-room is now pulled together and lovely, don’t you think?
I just feel so relaxed and peaceful just looking at these pictures, must be amazing to have a room in your house like this..