I finally finished the beach wall murals at the Garden City Hospital today! It was a wonderful experience from day one. They even let me use a gurney cart to haul all of my equipment to the room I would be working in for the next couple of weeks. The staff was very welcoming and visited me frequently to see how things were progressing, and now are very excited to get all the toys into the room so the children can enjoy it. Here are a few pictures of the completed project:
The entry to the Pediatrics wing. The door to the wing is painted with cabana stripes. The side wall signage is a fun welcome to the secure wing.
The main wall of the playroom, with the water flowing towards the blue carpet. The hope in this space is that the recovering children have a fun and somewhat educational room to play in. I used lots of bright colors, and put in lots of common local animals and wildlife to find and count. The murals continue on all walls, floor to ceiling, creating a total ‘beach’ environment for the kids.
I signed the beach blanket- this is my spot! Of course there’s a sand pail and shovel under the beach umbrella in the shade. Just off to the left is a color wheel beach ball in the sand.
The sandcastle is a must have on the beach. This one has three towers and three levels. A small child is working on it, while three others are out in the waves, wading.
Mallard ducks and a lighthouse swim by in this part of the beach murals, soft pine trees and a lighthouse are out on a spit of land.
One of the corner trees has cardinals, a squirrel and a raccoon in it for the children to discover and count.
Another wall has some sailboats and a little girl flying a kite on the beach. On yet another wall, one of the doctors insisted on having a freighter going by in the channel- a common sight on the Great Lakes.
It just wouldn’t be a Great Lakes beach mural without our trusty Great Blue Heron. This one wades the shallows looking for his dinner.

Love it!
I need to do another mural sooooooon!